Why We Need You

Are you concerned about the future of our democracy?

We are living in a very dangerous time in our Democracy. Our own US Congressman has been implicated in planning the Insurrection of January 6th. Sitting at home watching the news in our northern York homes, we wonder what we can do to be an instrument of change in these troubling times. Our club will be actively working to help Democratic candidates run for US Congress, US Senate, and State House. You can be a part of this critical endeavor.

They say that All Politics is Local, so why not put your support here with the Northern York Dems. This  is the time for us to step up to the plate to this new challenge that threatens our country. Unfortunately the battle will take money. Your dues will be an important part of this fight. By joining for the first time or renewing your membership, we are a stronger force in our local area. There are many programs that are supported by the dues.  By having a strong membership we can address these challenges. 

We Thank You for your past support! This year JOIN US as a member of Northern York Democratic Club with your personal investment of $20. 

Together we have the power to

  • inform more voters
    • Send out postcards
    • Maintain a website and Facebook pages
    • Report on current political events
  • organize more of us
    • Conduct membership drives
    • Mentor new volunteers
  • elect more candidates
    • Organize lit drops and canvasses
    • Carry out petition drive-bys
    • Create NYDC recommendation sheets for the polls

If not now, when?—-Join our growing group!

There are two ways to pay your dues:

  1. Send a check to NYDC, P.O. Box 5, Etters, PA 17319
  2. Use the ActBlue link below.

Thank you, 

NYDC Membership Team,

Nikki Byer, Fran Hultzapple, Nina Myers, Cliff Ackman, Robin Isaacson

Ways to Volunteer


  • BECOME A CLUB MEMBER: Your $20 annual membership supports our effort to assist Democratic candidates run for local, state and federal offices.
  • PHONE BANKING: During campaigns, volunteers make phone calls to talk to voters either using their own phones or joining a phone banking program which requires a computer and maintains your anonymity. Scripts and numbers are provided.
  • CANVASSING AND LITERATURE DROPS: Canvassing is door to door with a partner. You will have a map, a list and a script. Literature drops are simply hanging literature on a doorknob. Your own vehicle is used for transportation.
  • PETITION SIGNING: Petition season is between February and March. Attend one of our Drive By Petition Signing Events announced on our FaceBook page and the Events calendar on this site. Stay in your car and sign petitions from our petition carriers.
  • POLL WORK: Join other members of our club at NYDC table set up at the polls. Pass out candidate and club information. Shifts are offered.
  • DATA ENTRY: Help enter results from canvassing into the VoteBuilder software.
  • WRITE POSTCARDS: One of the best ways to reach voters, especially during these Covid times, is by sending a personal postcard. Our club designs its own cards and members and volunteers write a message using a script. Volunteers usually receive a pack of 50 cards, a script and address labels. Most volunteers help by covering postage, but if that is not possible, the cards will be sent out by the club.
  • STAMP AND MAIL POSTCARDS: Help apply labels, stamps and mail postcards. Stamps would be either paid for by you or by the club.
  • YARD SIGNS: Obtain yard signs as available for candidates. Watch for emails on this topic. Make sure the club has your email address so you can receive updated information. If you are not a NYDC member, consider becoming one in order to get access to NYDC events and activities including yard signs.
  • WRITING LETTERS TO THE EDITOR AND/OR LEGISLATORS: Our Political Action Committee provides advice on when and who to write letters and on what topics. If you enjoy editorializing, this is for you.
  • RESEARCHING ISSUES AND INCUMBENTS: Help the Political Action Committee by researching what issues our citizens care about; researching historical and current data around these issues; studying the record of incumbents and contrasting/comparing those records to their campaign promises; etc.
  • MANNING EVENT TABLES: Participating in events to educate and increase voter awareness of the Club. Events such as voter registrations, Farmers Fair, national night out, Pickle Fest, etc .
  • VOTER REGISTRATION DRIVES: Participate in structured events to register more voters
  • ATTEND SCHOOL BOARD AND SUPERVISOR MEETINGS: Attend meetings (virtually or in person) and report back on points of interest to our members.

CONTACT northernyorkdems@gmail.com to express your specific interest in supporting any or all of these volunteer opportunities!

A donation of $20 or more will make you a member for the current year. Use the button below. Thanks!

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