Deadline to Register: Midnight on July 17
Morning Session
Sherwood Guernsey – Messaging Wins Elections Important Political Activities: Guernsey founded the Berkshire Democratic Brigades and in 2016 started the Rural Freedom Network (RFN) PAC, which he chairs. RFN focuses on Democratic messaging and media use outside of MA. He serves as a member of the MA Democratic State Committee and rural caucus. Concentration on Democratic Values: Guernsey has spent his life in private and public sectors seeking improved lives for others, advocating for progressive public policy and Democratic candidates while encouraging active public participation in our democracy. He grew up in Schoharie, a rural town in upstate New York and learned political debate at the kitchen table. Other Information: He attended Dartmouth College, taught school in upstate New Hampshire and served in the Peace Corps in rural Panama. He attended Antioch Law School followed by two years in Chester County, PA with Legal Aid representing migrant mushroom workers. He moved to western MA where he established a private law firm and became a state legislator for eight years. He operates a small foundation running computer learning centers in Rural Panama. ( He lives in rural Berkshire County MA, has three children and seven grandchildren. Loves fly fishing, the Rockies and Yellowstone National Park. |
Gillian Kratzer – A Democratic Message for Rural Pennsylvanians Important Political Activities: Insuring Democrats control our messaging, Kratzer volunteers as the current Chair of the Blair County Democratic Committee, the North Central Caucus of the PA Dems and the Rural Caucus of Blair Dems. She is a union organizer with SEIU Healthcare PA. Concentration on Democratic Values: She believes strongly in bringing the progressive message of the Democratic Party to every area of PA by meeting people where they’re at and talking to them instead of about them. Her talking points will concentrate on – Can I Be Progressive in Rural Areas?; Translating the Messaging; Doing the Work. Other Information: Kratzer holds a BA in Political Science from Penn State University and a Masters in Political Management from George Washington University. She is the proud mom of a beautiful trans daughter and is an established internet celebrity. Find and follow her on: PA Dems – Blair , Blair County Democratic Party, Blair Dems on Facebook, @BlairDems on Twitter |
Angela Valvano – Gen Z Voters Will Shape Your Political Future Important Political Activities: Valvano is an activist and organizer in Western PA spotlighting young adult voters. She served as an organizer and communications strategist on projects and campaigns for three countries with a focus on rural and small-town activation. Concentration on Democratic Values: She will demonstrate how critical young adult voters are to building both a winning coalition and a vibrant and sustainable organization. She will present best practices in messaging to Gen Z and young Millennial voters and how to grow and nurture young adult participation in our committees. She recommends following information on and BetterPA on Twitter. Other Information: Valvano is a lifelong resident of Western PA. She embodies experience in government as a former municipal elected official. |
Afternoon Session
Theron Noble – Democrats 101 Important Political Activities: Noble has represented every Democratic presidential candidate beginning with then Gov. Bill Clinton in 1992. He was elected to three terms as the Democratic State Committee representative starting in 2010 and has served as treasurer for the Senior Caucus. Noble founded and chaired for two terms the Rural Caucus of that executive committee. He was appointed to the PA Dems’ steering committee for the voter protection team. Concentration on Democratic Values: Noble is now working with the PA Dems to implement the approach of Dems 101 in the book by JM Purvis which emphasizes Democratic “core value” messaging so we define ourselves thus preventing others to mis-brand us. Other Information: Noble is a native of Dubois, PA where he has been active in politics since 1976 when he headed then Gov. Jimmy Carter’s debate team in high school. He is an alumnus of Bethany College (BS-Mathematics) and West Virginia University (MBS, JD). He also served as an assistant district attorney prior to going into private practice. |
Roberta Laney – Our Democratic Garage Important Political Activities: Laney’s work on the State Committee benefits all 67 PA counties. She is Secretary of the Southeast State Regional Caucus, a member of the Senior Caucus. She has been appointed by the State Chair to chair the Voter Outreach Standing Committee and the State-Wide Check In. She worked to elect Josh Shapiro, Attorney General, Eugene DiPasquale, State Auditor and Joe Torsella, State Treasurer in 2016. Concentration on Democratic Values: Her activities include governing the business of the PDSC, attending nominating conventions for statewide candidates, passing resolutions, coordinating strategies to elect Dems up and down the ballot and coordinating other party actions. Laney is currently writing a resolution to make registration to vote easier. Other Information: She has been on the Invitation Committee for the PA Democratic County Chairs’ Forum for US Senate Democratic Candidates. She is conducting Voter Registration Action Weekends with a target of 15,000 registered new voters in Bucks County and is seeking re-election to the PA State Committee and seeks your endorsement. |
Chad Baker – Bringing the Message Home Important Political Activities – Baker has served as the Chair of the Democratic Party of York County since 2015. Prior to his role as Chair, he served as the Communications and Marketing Director for the party. He currently serves as the Vice Chair of the PA Dems Rural Caucus and has previously served as the Vice Chair and Secretary for the South Central Caucus. He has been a member of the PA Democratic State Committee for nearly 15 years. Concentration on Democratic Values – Baker will focus on how to take the messaging discussed throughout the sessions and bring it home to work in our region. He will discuss the critical importance of adapting our Democratic message for each region within our county. Other information – Baker holds a BA in History and MS in Organizational Development and Leadership from Shippensburg University. Born and raised in Adams County, he moved to York County in 2001 after a brief stopover near Washington DC for nearly a year. Along with his wife Jen, Baker has two amazing children, Ella and Anderson (AJ). Baker can be reached at |